Batch Capture, Sale & Refunds

The Batch Capture, Sale & Refunds page allows a user to capture payments and refunds in batch mode for a given Payment Gateway.

The page can be accessed by clicking the Batch Capture, Sale & Refunds link in the Batch Transactions menu of the navbar.

The page contains the following elements:

Batch Capture

  1. From Date — Field to select a begin date for the payment capture
  2. To Date — Field to select an end date for the payment capture
  3. Payment Gateway/Processor — Dropdown to select a payment gateway for which the payments will be captured
  4. Reset — Button that will reset the fields and dropdown values back to the defaults
  5. Submit — Button that will submit the data selected for batch file creation upload the file to the payment gateway
  6. Process Transactions — Link when clicked takes the user to the Process Transactions page

Clicking the Submit button creates a batch file, and a success message will display.

Batch Capture

The batch files that are created can be viewed on the Process Payments page.

Mobile View

The Mobile View of the page looks as follows:

Batch Transactions Menu

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0