Merchant Summary

The Merchant Summary page can be accessed by clicking on the Merchant Summary link under the Manage Admin.

This page allows a user to view all Merchant configuration settings associated with the VELA application.

This page allows a user to add, delete, clone or edit a Merchant.

The Page looks as follows:

View Merchant

When clicked on Show Filters link the page displays as below and

The page contains the following elements:

Merchant Summary

  1. A Hide Filters link that will hide the available page filters
  2. Status filter drop-down to filter by status
  3. Industry Type Filter drop-down to filter by Industry Type (e.g.,Lodging, eCommerce etc.)
  4. Currency filter drop-down to filter the merchant by Currency.
  5. EIN(s) filter to search the page by Employer Identification Numbers.
  6. Reset button to reset the filter to its default value
  7. Filter button to filter the on-page data based on the selected filter value
  8. A dropdown to change the number of rows displayed in the table
  9. A dynamic search box that will show rows matching the user-entered criteria
  10. Table containing the information of the available Merchants
  11. Merchant Name — A link that will take the System Admin to Edit Merchant page
  12. Action — dropdown to delete or clone a merchant
  13. A pager to go between pages in case there are more rows than what will fit on the page
  14. Add — Button that will take the system Admin to Add Merchant page to create new Merchant


Clone Merchant

Clone Merchant page can be accessed by selecting Clone from the Action dropdown in the Merchant Summary page.

Clone Merchant

The page looks very similar to the Add Merchant page with the exception that some of the information like payment settings, address are assigned with the Original Merchant's settings from which it is cloned.

Clone Merchant

After the required fields are filled out, clicking upon Save button a new Merchant is created by cloning the existing one and a success message gets displayed in the Merchant Summary page.

Add Merchant

Delete Merchant

A Merchant can be deleted by selecting Delete button from the Action dropdown of a Merchant row in the Merchant Summary page.

Delete Merchant

Delete Merchant popup appears with Yes and No buttons.

Delete Merchant popup

Clicking upon Yes button in the popup the merchant gets deleted.

A success messsage displays when a merchant has been deleted.

Delete Merchant

Restore Merchant

A deleted Merchant can be restored by selecting Restore button from the Action dropdown of a Merchant row in the Merchant Summary page.

Delete Merchant

A success messsage displays when a merchant is restored and the status becomes Active once again.

Delete Merchant

Generate Fiserv Datawire ID

The Fiserv Datawire ID can be generated by selecting Generate Fiserv Datawire ID option under the Action drop-down.

Fiserv Datawire ID

A popup opens and contains the following elements:

Fiserv Datawire ID

  1. Industry Type — Drop-down to select the Industry Type.
  2. Merchant ID(MID) — Field to enter the Merchant ID.
  3. Terminal ID(TID) — Field to enter the terminal ID.
  4. Datwire Service Id — Field to enter a 3-digit datawire service Id for the merchant.
  5. Close — Button to cancel the process and close the popup.
  6. Register — Button which gets enabled after MID and TID fields are filled out.

Clicking upon the Register button the Fiserv Datawire ID can be registered and a success message displays.

Fiserv Datawire ID

If the ID creation fails, then an error message displays as below:

Fiserv Datawire ID

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0