Edit User

This page allows a Admin role user to update/modify the user's information. It can be accessed by clicking the Username hyperlink of a user row in the User Management screen.

The page gets displayed with the preserved values and contains the following additional fields other than that of Add User screen.

Modify User

  1. Status — Filed that displays the user's status with respect to the VELA application
  2. First Login Date&Time — The date/time when the user first logged into the application
  3. Last Login Date&Time — Field gets displayed with the user's last login date and time
  4. Maximum Allowed Login Days — Field that displays the maximum number of days the user is allowed to login to the application

The Email, Status, First Login Date&Time, Last Login Date&Time fields are disabled and cannot be modified.

Clicking on Cancel button will take the Admin role user to the User Management page without modifying the user, clicking upon Save button will update the user and the System Admin is returned to the User Management screen with a success message.

User Summary

Updated As Of Version 6.0.0