Payments through Thirdparty Application

Payments can be made via thirdpartyapp and the process of making a payment is as follows.

The users can make payments through via thirdparty URL.

The Launching or originated page with the required attributes looks as follows:

Originated page

  1. Language — Language with which the user wants to navigate through the payment process.
  2. Redirecting Host — Drop-down to select the redirecting URL through which the payment gets initiated.
  3. Return URL — field to enter the Return URL to which the user is redirected after the payment. Upon successful completion, the user will be redirected to this URL with a payment response.
  4. Booking/Transacion # — Field to enter a payment related transaction number.
  5. Invoice Number — The invoice Number of the Payment
  6. Check-In Date — Field to enter Check-In Date.
  7. Check-Out Date — Field to enter the Check-Out Date.
  8. Membership # — The Membership number of the user.
  9. Amount — The payment amount
  10. Currency The currency of the payment
  11. Payment Action Drop-down to select a Payment Action
  12. First Name — Field to enter the first name of the user
  13. Last Name — Field to enter the last name of the user.
  14. Name On Card — The cardholder's name
  15. Email — Field to enter the email address of the user to which the payment details are sent after the completion.
  16. Mobile calling Code — Field to enter the country calling code of the mobile number.
  17. Mobile Number — Field to enter the mobile number of the user.
  18. Country — Billing Information of the user.
  19. Address — Address of the card holder.
  20. VELA Signature — The Signature will include the VELA Secret Key + Booking Number + Invoice Number with a semicolon(;) as a delimiter.

Filling in all the required fields and Clicking upon the Redirect button, the user is taken to the Make A Payment page with all the values preserved.

The page looks as below:

Make A Payment screen Make A Payment screen

The Payer Information section of the Make A Payment screen for a credit card payment contains the following elements:

Make A Payment screen

  1. Payment Method — Credit Card for a credit card payment
  2. Card Type — The type of credit card being used for the payment
  3. Name On Card — The cardholder's name
  4. Card Number — The full number on the front of the credit card
  5. Expiration Month/Year — The expiration date (2-digit month and year) of the credit card
  6. Card Security Code — The 3- or 4-digit code on the back of the card
  7. Eye and information icons — to unmask the security code field value and to display card security code information text

Filling in all the required fields and Clicking upon the Review button, the user is taken to the Review Payment page with all the values preserved.

Review Payment Review Payment

The Review payment screen looks exactly like the Make A Payment screen with the following exceptions that all the fields are disabled.

Clicking the Confirm button will submit the final payment information and the page looks as below:

Confirm Payment

After rating the feedback or closing the popup, the redirection window appears as below and the user is redirected to the Return URL with the subscritpion id of the payment being included in the return resposne.

Redirection popup

Updated As Of Version