Transaction Management

The Transaction Management screen displays with all payments submitted by a user.

The default screen looks as follows:

Transaction Management

The top portion of the screen contains the following elements:

Transaction Management

  1. Hide Filters link — Hides the filters drop-downs on the screen
  2. From Date— Field to select the From date range to filter the transactions
  3. To Date — Field to select the To date range
  4. From Amount — Field to filter the page data by Amount Range.
  5. To Amount — Field to fitler the page data by To Amount Range.
  6. Payment Method — Multi select drop-down list with the list of all available Payment methods
  7. Transaction Status — Multi select filter drop-down to filter the transaction by their status, list includes Failure, Success, and Under Review
  8. Payment Gateway/Processor— Multi select filter drop-down with the list of available Payment Gateways i.e., Chase Paymentech, Authorize.Net etc. to choose from
  9. Transaction Type— Drop-down to filter the transactions by their Transaction Type, list includes Capture, Pre-Authorization, Refund, Sale, and Void
  10. Post-PreAuthorization Status — Drop-down to serach with the capture criteria
  11. Created By Username— Drop-down with the list of the usernames who created the transactions
  12. Transaction Owner— Drop-down with the list of the usernames of the transaction owners
  13. Products/Services — Drop-down to search by Products/Services
  14. Memo— Field to enter the memo that is associated with the transaction to filter
  15. Order Id— Field to enter Order Id(s) that is associated with the transaction to filter
  16. Check-in Date — Field to search by Customer Check-in Date
  17. Check-out Date — Field to search by Customer Check-out Date
  18. First 8 Digits Card/Account #(s) — Field where the user can enter the first 8 digits of the Card number and filter the page.
  19. Last 4 Digits Card/Account #(s)— last 4 digits card number(s) can be entered to search a transaction
  20. BIn Issuing Country — Drop-down to select a country and filter the page by Card's BIN Issuing Country.
  21. Gateway Reference #(s)— Field to enter the Gateway Reference #(s) associated with the transaction to filter
  22. Transaction Category— Drop-down list to select the transaction Category of the transaction through which the transaction has been made
  23. Payment Type — Drop-down to select a Payment type of the transaction.
  24. Terminal Entry Mode— Drop-down list to select the Entry Mode of the transaction through which the transation has been made
  25. Terminal Serial Number— Drop-down with the list of available Terminals
  26. Invoice Number(s)— Field to enter the associated Invoice number(s) to filter by, the user can enter multiple numbers seperated by a comma
  27. Channel Name— Drop-down with a list of available Channels
  28. Currency— Drop-down to select the currency
  29. Merchant Name— Drop-down displays with all availble merchants
  30. Transaction Number— Field to enter transacion number(s)
  31. Resort/Cruise— Drop-down to select a Resort/Cruise from the list
  32. Auth Code(S) — Multi select filter to search by Auth Code(s)
  33. Reset button — Clear the filters and restore any default values
  34. Filter button — Apply the selected filters to data on the screen
  35. Show Entries — Dropdown to control how many rows will display on each page
  36. Search — Dynamically search for data in the table


Depending on the Merchant URL and logged in user role some additonal Filters like Currency, Merchant Name etc. will also display under the filters section and some might be hidden.

The bottom portion of the screen contains the following elements:

Transaction Management

  1. Table with a list of all payments submitted by a user

    • S No. — The sequence number of the payment in the table
    • Transaction Date & Time — The date the payment was submitted
    • Customer Name — The name of the Customer
    • Check-in Date — Check-in Date entered by the users while doing the payment
    • Check-Out Date — Check-out Date of the customer
    • Group Name — Group name of the payment submitted
    • Transaction Number — Transaction Number for the payment submitted
    • Payment Method — The method of payment that was used
    • Name On Card/Account Holder Name — The name entered by the user when making the payment or the name associated with a paying account (e.g., PayPal)
    • Card Number/Account Number/Gateway Username — The card or account number entered by the user when making the payment or the email address associated with a paying account (e.g., PayPal)
    • Amount — The amount of the payment
    • Currency — Column which display with Currency type
    • Order Id — The application's unique, internal identifier for the payment
    • Action — View link displays for each row when clicked on it takes the user to Transaction Detail page
    • Transaction Type — Type of the transaction (e.g., Auth, sale, Capture, Refund)
    • Transaction Status — The status of the transaction, i.e., whether it is failure or success
    • Created By username — username of the user who created the transaction
    • Transaction owner — displays with the name who made the payment
    • Gateway Reference Number — The payment processor's unique identifier for the payment
    • Invoice Number — Invoice number of the payment
    • Transaction Category — Type of the terminal from which the payment made (e.g., online or POS)
    • Serial Number — Serial Number of the POS terminal
    • Entry Mode — Entry of the Card Present terminal
    • Payment Gateway/Processor — Payment Gateway name from which the payment is made (e.g., Cybersource or Realex)
    • Batch Status — The status of the batch i.e., failure or success
    • Channel Name — Channel name under which the payment has made
    • Merchant Name — User associated Merchant Name
  2. A pager that will let the user navigate between pages of payments if there are more than can fit on one screen

  3. An Export button that allows the user to export the screen's data in Excel or CSV Format.

View sample csv file

View sample Excel file

The application has the ability to export all Transactional Data (.csv) into the our SFTP site so that ThirdParty Vendors can access the data on a needly basis. This can be achieved as follows:

On the Transaction Managment page, select the date filter values to the present day and click on the Filter button. Along with the page data, an additional Uplaod button displays.

Transaction Management

Clicking upon the Upload button, the page data of all the successful transactions gets uploaded to the SFTP site and from which the vendors can access.

Transaction Management

The Admin role users can click the View link under Action column to view the details of a transaction.


The Transaction Status is marked in Green and Red to indicate Successful and Failed transasctions respectively.

If the Convenience Fees is enabled at the Merchant level then the Transaction Management page displays with an additional column of Convenience Fees as below:

Transaction Management

If the Payments or Refunds are made by using tokens/Card On File then on the Transaction Management page, those rows are indicated by a Token icon under the Card Number column as below:

Transaction Management

Updated As Of Version