Buy/Gift Points

The Buy/Gift Points screen allows a user to buy points for his or her own loyalty account or to gift points to another user in the system.

Buy/Gift Points screen

The screen contains the following elements:

  1. Buy Points and Gift Points radio buttons
  2. Number of Points field to indicate how many points are to be bought or gifted
  3. Cancel button — Will take the user to the Points Summary screen
  4. Submit button — Will take the user to the Make A Payment screen to purchase the desired number of points

Two additional elements will display if the user selects Gift Points:

Buy/Gift Points screen

  1. Recipient dropdown — Allows the user to select a previously-added recipient or add a new recipient by clicking the plus button
  2. Message field in which to enter a message for the recipient of the points gift

Mobile View:

The mobile view of the page displays as follows:

Buy/Gift Points screen

Updated As Of Version